School Info
PHS 24 - 25 Hours
Doors open to students @ 7:45 am • Classes begin @ 8:00 am • Student Dismissal @ 2:40 pm • Office Hours are from 7:15 am to 3:45 pm
Contact Us
Powhatan High School 1800 Judes Ferry Rd Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone: 804-598-5710 Fax: 804-598-0298
Attendance Number: 804-598-5710 ext. 1353 Email:
What's Trending
🌟2025-2026 Secondary Course Guide
🌟Exploring a 2026-2027 Balanced School Calendar
🌟2025 Stem Night
🌟Shining Stars 2024-2025 School Year
This year, the Special Education Department will highlight students, staff, and parents who have supported our programs, instruction, and initiatives throughout the school year.
Each month, beginning in January, staff members, parents, and students can nominate a “Shining Star.” Each Shining Star recipient will receive a visit from our department with a “Star Award” and will be featured at the Shining Stars Awards ceremony.
Our SEAC Committee will be hosting our “Shining Stars” Awards Ceremony on March 10, 2025-PHS Auditorium
🌟Clubs and Organizations’ Spirit Days in February
Please note: Hats and headwear are not allowed on these spirit days. The PCPS dress code applies on all spirit days.
Diverse Hands at Work Spirit Week - Feb. 10 -13
2/10 - Jazz Me Up: Wear Green!
2/11 - Sunday Best: Wear Yellow!
2/12 - Strike Em' Out: Wear Red!
2/13 - All Black: Wear Black!
SGA Spirit Day - Thursday, February 13th
The SGA Board members will greet students at the doors with a Valentine’s Day Photo Booth (this will take place before 8 a.m., so phones may be used). They’ll play upbeat, happy music as everyone enters the school.
FFA Spirit Week
Tuesday, February 18th: Hunting Season Show off your tree-stand attire and wear your best camo.
Wednesday, February 19th: Thank a Farmer Show appreciation by dressing like a farmer (flannels, boots, jeans, overalls).
Thursday, February 20th: ‘Merica Day Show your patriotism by decking out in red, white, and blue.
Friday, February 21st: FFA Day Wear blue and gold to show your support for FFA.
🌟From the PHS Clinic
Recommendation: Fever and Vomiting/Diarrhea-Free for 24 hours without medication
With the onset of cold and flu season, we are seeing an increase in related illnesses. While we value and encourage regular attendance, we recommend that students stay home until they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication and have been free of vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
MenACWY Vaccine
This is an early reminder to parents regarding vaccination requirements for the 2025-26 school year (next school year). Students who are 16 years old or older must receive their second dose of the MenACWY vaccine before beginning their senior year.
Please note that the MenB vaccination is not the same as the MenACWY vaccination and therefore will not satisfy this requirement.
Students or families who do not provide proof of vaccination will not be allowed to attend school until the necessary documentation is submitted. Proof of vaccination should be provided to Nurse Jefferson.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nurse Jefferson by calling the school at (804) 598-5710 or emailing
🌟Free FAFSA assistance at Capital One Cafe in Carytown (Richmond) - Jan, Feb, and Mar
GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program, Inc.), in partnership with Capital One and the National College Attainment Network (NCAN), is hosting a series of free FAFSA workshops to assist students in completing their financial aid applications. These workshops will be held at the Capital One Cafe in Carytown (Richmond) and FAFSA participants have a chance to win an IPAD mini:
Carytown Capital One Cafe (2933 W Cary St, Richmond, 23221)
Sat., Feb. 22 nd , 10am – 1pm
Sat., Mar. 8 th , 10am – 1pm
Sat., Mar. 22 nd , 10am – 1pm
No appointments necessary!
GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program, Inc.) is a non-profit, college and career access organization, headquartered in Richmond. GRASP’s goal is to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity for continuing education after high school, regardless of financial or social circumstances.
The FAFSA® form allows students to request federal grants, work-study funds, and loans, all in one application and is the basis for determining a student’s financial aid package. More information about GRASP is available at the website,
🌟From School Counseling :
Scheduling for classes for the 2025-2026 school year.
Counselors will meet one-on-one with Freshmen this week. (we will get with previously absent or missed students as we are able)
During these meetings counselors will answer any questions students may have and make any corrections to their course requests as needed.
Please use the Scheduling Guide to help them through the process. Check the scheduling guide for deadlines and links and directions on signing up for classes.
Forms that might be needed
STUDENTS – DUE February 19th
DUE March 7th
PHS celebrates VA Kindness Week
"The purpose of Kindness Week is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier, and more inclusive place to live, work, learn, and play." Check out this flyer form VDOE for more information.
Here are some of the activities going on at PHS:
Daily announcements on being kind to one another.
Kindness Challenge - Boards can be picked up from School Counseling, once completed students will be entered in a drawing for a prize.
We will be painting kindness rocks for the courtyard or for students to take home to share.
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, Always."
🌟Winter Dance
The Winter Dance will be held at PHS on Saturday, February 22nd.
Students who plan to bring an outside guest must have their guest complete this form and submit it to the PHS Main Office, along with a copy of their state-issued ID or Birth Certificate, Guest Reference Information, and all required signatures.
Please find the Outside Guest Form here. Additionally, hard copies are available in our Main Office and Library.
🌟Dinner and a Show
The Powhatan High School Choral Department is pleased to announce that their annual "Dinner and a Show" event will now be held on Tuesday, February 4th, in the PHS Auditorium. Please note that the original date of Tuesday, January 28th, has been rescheduled due to recent inclement weather and delays in instruction. This adjustment allows our students additional time to perfect their performances and ensure they are fully prepared for the event.
The evening will feature performances by the One Voice Concert Choir, Radiance Uni-voice Show Choir, "Unplugged" A Cappella Choir, and Resonance Mixed Show Choir, all of which will be debuting their 2025 competition shows. We invite you to join us in supporting these Grand Champion-winning groups as they showcase their talents.
Dinner Service: 6:00 PM in the PHS Commons Show Time: 7:00 PM in the PHS Auditorium
Tickets can be purchased online at, as well as through social media platforms. Additionally, ticket order forms will be available in the PHS main office and through our choral students.
🌟VSBA Student Essay Contest
The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 5, 2025.